This title was released in 2016 by Doomster Entertainment.
Where to start? There are as many good things as there are bad to say about this one. It is another 8-bit style game, though, as the title states, in 3D. An artistic approach seen often in indie games today.
The control layout for this title is clearly designed for a controller instead of a keyboard and mouse. The controls feel like they should weigh a ton and are super clunky while at the same time being super fragile. A single button push at the wrong time and you are as good as dead. You will absolutely need to adjust your turn speed in this one… Unless you don’t mind turning slower than a freighter.
As for the game-play… Well, the learning curve is a solid brick wall. Nothing to even point you in the right direction. I spent ten minutes wandering aimlessly and dying over and over. Random encounters… Unless you have learned how to play, gained a small party and levelled said party, you will die. You spend a majority of the time traversing the map and either Looking for food, treasure, mines or fishing.
Once you have learned by trial and error how things work, such as the complicated battle interface, the game can actually be rather fun. Although after an hour of playing I still have no idea what the aim of this game is. From what I can understand, it is a randomly generated dungeon crawler.
Not the worst game I have played but also not the best.