I really do enjoy building worlds. Creating characters and giving them life. Giving them a story. A family. A reason. Then taking it away. Giving them a lust for vengeance. A blood lust if you will.
While building I don’t set any little bits of life in the main story plot. The sub story (the little life details) don’t appear until the very moment of their creation. I create on the spot and expand and edit as required. Small bits of back story that, when put together, build and create the characteristics of the animations on the screen.
Although these are only pixels on a screen, good writing can create personalities that you love, hate or are conflicted about.
When I’m creating a world I feel taken by it. I feel a part of it. Sometimes I feel myself writing too much for the small size of this project. Instead I keep a list of characteristics, names, places everything that I don’t use. The simple little apps that you can use on a tablet have proved to be the most useful for a one man team. Note keeping is my favorite thing to do. Months even years down the track I can look back and use ideas that had appealed to my mind once upon a time.